12 July 2012

Monthly Ban On Buying Make-Up

I buy too much make up. Way too much. It all started when I lost a job about half a year ago and went on a big buying spree. Perhaps I was trying to pick up my mood; job search is really stressful so a little joy from buying new cream or an eye shadow was very welcome. Maybe I just had too much time on my hands and discovered a few wonderful youtube gurus. All in all bad idea. I got especially bad with lipsticks and hand creams lately. Now I'm putting a lid on any make up related purchase for a month. No make up, no creams, even no magazines with creams/mascaras in them. I need to use up all the make up and creams I already have and stop buying endless items I end up not using.

Till the 12 August, if I really want something I'll make a note and a photo of an item and will add it to my wish list. I doubt in a month time I'll still want it all that badly, but if I do, fair play, I'll buy it then. I'll save up some money, use up the products I already have, will figure out how badly do I want some items and will have time to watch more make-up gurus videos and choose what I want to buy based on recommendations and descriptions, not just a nice packaging.